Mind, Ecology, Enaction: Encounters between Gregory Bateson and Francisco Varela

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In this conversation, we explore the relationships between Gregory Bateson and Francisco Varela's work, particularly the ways in which their work contributed to expanding our understanding of the 'mind' in the context of living. Starting from their time at Lindisfarne Association in the 1970s, a context that had multiple relationships to their intellectual projects, we will explore how they reformulated concepts such as wholes, boundaries, and recursion in their respective critiques of mainstream Western science/epistemology. The discussion would end with a focus on action. How does their expansion of the notions of 'cognition', 'mind', and consciousness' enable us to think about (design) action within the context of the present ecological crises?

This research is supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation) grant number 508363000 and the AHRC (United Kingdom).

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